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Terms and conditions


1) Term


This Agreement shall commence on the date the products are delivered to the Customer and remain in full force and effect until the fixed period [equivalent to the tenure of the contract that is agreed by the Customer while booking the Product(s)] expires and the Products is returned to Rentwala, unless terminated earlier or extended.


2) Payment


Rentwala shall raise the invoice on the1st day of every month and the due date for payment shall be the 5th day of the month. 

Customer shall pay the rental charge as per the invoice raised and mailed to the Customer’s registered email address. 

Payment made beyond the Due Date shall incur a late fee. Late fees shall be levied on the rental due amount only. The late fee of 10% shall be applied on the 6th day on an everyday basis of the month on the pending amount. The Customer shall make all payments to Rentwala only. 

Rentwala shall not be liable for any payment made to any broker/third party by the Customer. The Customer does not make payments to Rentwala or does not return the Products and is not traceable, in addition to any other right of Rentwala, the Customer agrees that Rentwala shall have the right to reach out to the Customer’s relatives, friends, employer, offices and shall inform them about the Customer’s default. The Customer hereby agrees that, Rentwala shall not be liable for any inconvenience or loss caused to the Customer for such action by Rentwala.

3) Security Deposit


In addition to the monthly rental, the Customer shall pay a refundable security deposit (“Security Deposit”). The Security Deposit shall not carry any interest for the entire tenure. 

The Security Deposit shall be refunded to the Customer on the termination and after taking delivery of all the Products from the possession of the Customer. Once the final quality check is performed on all the Products, and in case no damage is found, the Security Deposit shall be refunded.

Rentwala shall refund the Security Deposit to the account from which initial the Security Deposit was paid by the Customer, in case the Customer wishes to get the refund to any other account, the Customer shall provide the details of the account to Rentwala via e-mail from the registered email address of the Customer and, prior to the pickup of the Products.

In case any damage is found in any Product, Rentwala shall have the right to deduct the charges for the damages or monthly dues from the Security Deposit paid by the Customer and shall refund the remaining amount to the Customer. In case of default in the payment of monthly rentals (including late fee), Rentwala shall have the right to deduct such rental dues from the Security Deposit and may at its sole discretion refund or forfeit the remaining balance of the Security Deposit. 

The Security Deposit shall not include any monthly rental. The Customer cannot request for the monthly invoice dues to be adjusted from the Security Deposit.


4) Order confirmation


The order raised by the Customer shall be processed subject to successful verification of the KYC and serviceability of the Customer. In case the KYC verification is not successful, or the location is not serviceable by Rentwala , Rentwala  reserves the right to reject the Customer’s order any time prior to delivery, at its sole discretion without assigning any reason even after successful KYC or serviceability of the location. In the event the order is rejected by Rentwala , the Security Deposit paid by the Customer shall be refunded to the Customer .The Customer authorizes Rentwala to verify all the details provided by him/her.


5) Damage


The Customer hereby agrees that any damage caused to the Product or theft (including disappearance) or loss, shall be liable towards repair and replacement cost of the Product. In the event, the Product is stolen or damaged beyond repair; the Customer shall be liable to pay Rentwala the market price of the Product. Minor scratches and chipping (depending on size) to Gym equipments shall be considered as normal wear and tear. The extent of damage will be ascertained by comparing against the quality control document signed by the Customer and the photographs taken on delivery and return pickup day. Rentwala shall ascertain the extent of the damage and applicable penalty for such damage on the receipt of the Products from the Customer. In the event, it is found that in any Product, any substandard parts are used, or repair carried out by any person not authorized by Rentwala, then a penalty may be levied as per the policy of Rentwala Any removal, alteration, disfiguring or cover up any numbers, lettering, or insignia displayed on any Product shall be considered as a damage to the Product and shall be chargeable against the Customer. A damage claim report shall be sent to the Customer’s registered e-mail address. A quality check report stating the damages if any or a clearance sheet will be created and a copy of the same will be provided to the Customer immediately.


6) Inspection


Rentwala reserves the right to inspect the Product delivered to the Customer during the term of the Agreement. Rentwala shall provide reasonable prior intimation to the Customer regarding the visit for inspection of its representative to avoid any Inconvenience to the Customer. The Customer shall ensure that the representative of Rentwala is provided with proper access to all the Products/premises for inspection.


7) Delivery


On confirmation of the order by the Customer, Rentwala shall deliver the Products to the location specified by the Customer.

The cost of the delivery shall be borne by customer .The Customer shall be present at the location at the time of delivery agreed

between Rentwala and the Customer. In case the Customer is unavailable at the time of delivery the Customer shall appoint a

representative (give an authorization letter) for taking delivery of the Products and the same shall be communicated to Rentwala prior to the delivery. The representative shall provide a copy of his/her ID proof and authorization letter from the Customer to the delivery personnel assigned by Rentwala . In case the Customer is not present or has not assigned a representative for taking delivery, at the location and a second delivery attempt is required, Rentwala shall charge an extra delivery cost to the Customer.

Rentwala shall inspect the quality and ensure that the Products are working and in usable condition before the delivery of the

Products to the Customer. The Customer or its appointed representative shall inspect the Products for any damage and quality 

during the time of delivery. In case any Product is damaged during transit or unfit for use, Rentwala shall replace the same at

its own cost and in case a replacement is not required, such damage shall be noted in the delivery receipt and a photo of the

same shall be taken for record. In case any claim of damage is brought against the Product after the acceptance of delivery by

the Customer, Rentwala shall not be responsible towards replacing the Product and shall levy a damage to be ascertained as

per the damage policy below. The Customer shall ensure the entry of delivery vehicle inside the premises where the delivery location is situated and ensure that prior permission is obtained for the use of elevator of the building, for delivery of the Products to the location.


8) Ownership 


Rentwala and / or its business partners shall at all times during the term of this Agreement, retain title to and / or be the beneficial owners of the Products delivered to the Customer, pursuant to the Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a transfer of ownership of the Products to the Customer. The Customer shall give immediate notice to Rentwala if any of the Product is about to become liable or is threatened with seizure and the Customer shall indemnify Rentwala against all loss and damage caused by such action against its Products


9) Indemnification 


The Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold Rentwala harmless from and against any claim, demand, cause of action or

loss or liability for any Product damage or personal injury arising from the

Customer’s use of the Product by any cause,except to the extent such is caused by Rentwala negligence or willful misconduct.

The provisions of this clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement with respect to any claim or liability accruing before

such termination. In no event shall Rentwala be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage arising

out of Customer’s use of the Products.




In the event,the Customer does not wish to extend the rental period beyond the Agreement date, the Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the rental term. 

Rentwala shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately in the following events; 


  1. default of payment of rental dues or any other payment dues by the Customer ;or 


  1. breach of any of the terms of this Agreement. 


Consequences of termination: 


a. Rentwala shall have the right to take possession of the Products delivered to the Customer immediately; 

b. Any payment pending from the Customer shall become payable immediately to Rentwala

c. The Security Deposit paid by the Customer shall be refunded to the Customer post the damage assessment of the Products, as per clause of this Agreement.     

d. In case of termination due to non-payment of rental dues, the dues shallbe cut from the Security Deposit and the rest to be returned to the customer with a prior notice.


11) Early Closure


In case the customer wishes to close/end the contract before the term/tenure ends,

an early termination fees shall be borne by the customer.

Customer should inform Rentwala, a week before they wish to end the tenure.

Rentals are charged according to the tenure, so if a customer has rented a specific product for 3 months, then their monthly rental will be lower as compared to the customer who has rented the product for just 1 month.

In such a case of early closure, the customer will be charged a months rental of the product as an early cancellation fee.

The early termination fees will decided by Rentwala depending on the customers tenure


12)Combo Offers


Combo offers are only only applicable for 2 months and 3 months 

Shipping charges are to be beared by the customer

Any one free item can be selected while taking a 2 month combo

Any two free item can be selected while taking a 3 month combo

The security deposit for the free item in the combo are to be paid by the customer, while the rental charges are not applicable only on the freebies

All the items in the combo shall be returned back to the rightful owner, i.e “Rentwala” after the tenure is over.

All the items given at no rental charges (excluding protein bars) shall be returned back to the rightful owner, i.e “Rentwala” after the tenure is over.

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